Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Well, it has been a long time since I blogged, but I thought on the last day of the year I would want to wish everyone who reads theis the most blessed of a new year. The world and life in general present us with many challenges, but our Lord is ever faithful to give us the grace needed to stand in the day. I am thankful for my family and friends, for my church, for the grace that the Lord gives us day by day. May you days be filled with a continual awareness of the presence of the Lord in your life.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thy Will Be Done

"Lord, I pray Thee, not my will, but Thy will be done." These words of Jesus have been echoing in my heart this past week. How many times I think I know better than the Lord. How many struggles I face to bring me to the point of surrender to His will. God's ways are always best! His ways are not my ways, His thoughts not my thoughts. My wisdom is foolishness with Him. so why do I question Him? Truth be told, I would rather be in control (I think), than to rest in the awareness that He is in control, that He knows all things, and does all things first for His glory and second for my good because I am His child. May I and all who read this learn to rest in the assurance that our Heavenly Father truly knows best!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Filled with God's Spirit

John the Baptist was quite an interesting individual in the scripture. He lived in the desert, ate locust and honey, didn't wear designer clothing or ride a fancy donkey. When he preached he didn't mince words, preaching repentance and the coming of our Messiah, the Lord Jesus. He was used by God to baptize our blessed Savior, declaring, "Behold, the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world." When Christ came on the scene, he did not feel challenged, but plainly said, "He must increase, I must decrease." Such a humble man, yet with the boldness of a lion as he decried the adultery of Herod and his immoral lifestyle. Imprisoned, undoubtedly, beaten and abused, and finally beheaded, because of the lustful passions of a man who was being seduced by the seductive dances of his neice at a banquet, such was the lot in life for the one labeled the forerunner of the Lord. But what was John's secret? What made him live such a life of courage and adventure with the Lord. No doubt, he knew Jesus when he was growing up. No doubt he realized his call from God to be the one to prepare the way of the Lord. It is said of John that when his mother Elisabeth went to see the mother of Jesus, that John lept in her bosom and he was filled with the Spirit. I wander what a godly influence his parents were upon Him? I am sure it was great. I am sure they told him of the promises of God concerning the Messiah and trained him in such a way, that he was ready to fulfill God's plan for his life. So what's the point? Our daughter, Elisabeth, reminds me greatly of the Elisabeth of scripture. I have always prayed for her ( and her mother has also) that she would a woman of godly influence, filled with the Spirit of God, making a difference in the life of family and friends. Our Beth is such a young lady. God has tempered her throughout the years to be a young lady who loves the Lord, who serves Him faithfully every day, who helps her husband in training their children in the things of God. I have seen her be faithful to the Lord as she struggled through difficult times in her life, seeking the will of the Lord, not always knowing the thing to do, but always having as her desire to please her Lord. I have seen her wait patiently for the Lord for the man that God would have her spend her life with, and how God has blessed her and us with Nathan. I have seen her demonstrate that loyalty and love for her husband as they left Oklahoma to move to Alaska as Nathan pursues his military career. I have seen her as she gave birth to two wonderful, fantastic, amazing, awesome, dynamic, enthusiastic, lovable children (I have more adjectives to say about these great kids, but can you tell I love my grandkids yet?) , Breanna and Nate and can't wait until our newest grandchild is born in February. How she loves those kids and pours her life into them and her husband. I have seen her develop a love and a ministry with her husband among military couples, and young couples in their church in Alaska as they were taught through the ministry of the Pete and Debbie Livingston and the Radically Married program. And why? Because I believe she is a young lady who is learning to walk in the fullness of God's Spirit. She is a challenge and encouragement to me in my walk with the Lord and I love her dearly as I do Becky, Briit, Brooke and Bryce. Happy birthday sweetheart - Always remember Dad loves you!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Wealthy Place

As believers in Christ, we live in a wealthy place. We are forgiven, our sins washed away with the blood of the Lamb. We have a purpose, God has ordered our steps and has included us in His plan of sharing the gospel with others so that the world may know that He is God. He has given us His Spirit, never to leave us or to forsake us - to always be there to guide us into truth so that we might know the glory of His presence in our lives. The Spirit, there to comfort and give courage in time of need and when it seems our world may be falling apart - to instruct us when to pray, what to pray, how to pray, and whom to pray for. He has given us His Word to live by its great and precious promises, to serve as a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path so that we might not sin against Him. He has given us a spiritual family with which we will spend eternity, but that is with us now for strength and encouragement, to walk with, to witness with, to pray with, to laugh with, to weep with. Many times the bonds of our spiritual family seem stronger than the bonds with our earthly family, and yet, what a blessing when we have that strong spiritual bond in the Lord with our earthly family too! It is true that God has given us everything we need for life and godliness - His grace is sufficient for every need - when we are weak, He is strong. What a wealthly place in which we believers live! Believe Him - trust Him - rejoice in Him for He is our strength and our song, our salvation, our Rock and our refuge.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Dear Becky

Thirty two years ago today the Lord blessed us with our first child - Her name was Rebecca Lynn or Becky. From the very beginning of our sweet little girl's life, we knew that the Lord had entrusted us with someone extremely special. We named her after the Rebekah who was the wife of Isaac in the Old Testament. How that Rebekah was brought to her husband Isaac was a beautiful picture of Christ and His bride - the Church. It has always been our prayer for Becky that she would be a young lady who would be led by the Spirit of God and controlled by Him. God has answered our prayers. Becky today is a lovely young woman of God, who reflects His grace and glory as she and her husband, John, follow God's leading for their lives. Becky went throuh a lot of the struggles of a young lady during her early years, but she has always been a source of joy as God has shaped her into the young woman He wants her to be. I have had many wonderful times with her, so precious to my heart that they are difficult to express. Becky has always known when her dad needed a hug, or encouraging word, or a kiss. Her heart has always been a tender one towards the Lord, her mom and dad, and her brothers and sisters. She walks in the wisdom of the Lord and is always there when you need her, even though she lives in Pennsylvania. Becky and John are in the 2nd year of John's culinary school. Though difficult to do, they left their family and traveled to another part of our wonderful country to follow God's leading. Soon, they will finish school and, Lord willing, they will move to Colorado Springs, which is not as far as Pennsylvania, but still pretty far. While in Pennsylvania, Becky and John have been able to be close to John's parents, Steve and Phyllis Henderson. They are amazing Christians who love the Lord with all their heart and have been a tremendous blessing to John and Becky. God moved them from Georgia to Pennsylvania a little over a year before the kids moved there. John and Becky are learning to live by faith and their walk with the Lord is a constant encouragement and challenge to me. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful wife and tremendous children, all 5 of them. My prayer for them is that they continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom belongs all the praise for giving us such a wonderful life in Him and a wonderful family. Happy Birthday sweetheart, I love you - Dad

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Only one person in the previous account was given a fictitious name to protect the innocent and that was Roger Tudor whom I mistakenly called Roger Strader. His part was so important because when Greg was getting all teary eyed over the situation, Roger kept taking some great pictures - Thanks Roger - you were terrific and it was great getting to know you and Kelley even though you guys beat me like a drum at mexican train dominos.


Twas Friday evening, August 1. The place - under a porch of a cabin at Table Rock Lake. The time - 6:45 pm. The people - Greg Werner, Brandon Werner, Roger Strader and me - the oldest yet best looking of the group (I can say that because this is my blog and my story) - We sat quietly waiting the arrival of Britt Clay and Lauren Werner as they would enter the cove where we were carefully hidden. Though at times being attacked by ants and also concerned for the snake population that could be in the area, we sat scrunched in the most uncomfortable of positions. The temperature was hot, the humidity was high, but we were determined to take pictures of the event that was about to happen. The excitement was building, we struggled to stay quiet - and then - it happened. On our right two men, one with only one arm (this is true), and neither with shirts on got in a paddle boat and started across the cove. They had spotted us and I am sure they were wandering what 4 young men(?????) like us were doing hiding under their neighbor's porch. But though we were discovered, they did not reveal our position. Then in the quiet stillness of the cove, as these two men were out on their paddle boat ride, comes a massive speed boat ( well, maybe more like a fishing boat that had been used for skiing that week). In it the charming couple of Britt and Lauren came calmly into the cove and looked oddly at the pair in the paddle boat. But, not to be denied, stopped the boat, turned off the engine, but forgot to set the anchor. Lauren looked so beautiful I would have probably forgot to set the anchor myself. They talked for awhile, and we watched, and took pictures. And the two men kept paddling in their paddle boat. Then, Britt stood up, pulled out a ring, went down to one knee and proposed to the love of his life. Lauren said yes (praise the Lord) and gave Britt a big hug. Then they stood up and gave each other a hug again. One of the guys in the paddle boat yelled, "Hey, you all fishing over there" to which Britt replied a resounding "no". Then Britt pointed out to Lauren that she was on "candid camera" and the 4 good looking young men (yes, I mean us) came out from under the porch into the open to reveal our camera and our video recorder. The two fathers, with tears in their eyes (this is my blog and I'll cry if I want to), had their picture taken together with the newly engaged couple in the background. As for the men in the paddle boat, well, they must have decided that enough was enough. They paddled back over to their dock and wnet inside their cabin. As for the stealth crew, we loaded in our vehicle, retrurned to the loading dock where Britt and Lauren were waiting. The happily engaged couple went back to the cabin where the entire family greeted them with hugs and kisses and yes, more pictures. Soon, facebook was filling the internet with news of the couple's engagement, and calls were being made and received overflowing with congratulations at the announcement of the joyous news (which one Brooke Clay did announce a lttle earlier while the couple was on the lake). An evening of laughter, thanksgiving, blessing the couple from the fathers, mothers and others in attendance, and praise to our heavenly Father made this a most memorable time indeed. Sola Deo Gloria! This is one excited and grateful father. God is good!!!!!

PS - The descriptions and accounts of this blessed event are true and not embellished (too much)! For actual photos - view the facebook of Lauren Werner. Can we say "Praise the Lord - Hallelujah" - Amen!!!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


I am so very blessed. July 12 was and is a special day every year for me and my family. It was on this day that both Mala and I were born, although there is one year's difference in our age. It was also 35 years ago on this day that Mala and I were married. These past 35 years have been the most wonderful years of my life. There is no one like Mala - sweet, kind, beautiful, discerning, gracious, helpful, supporting, loving and the list could go on and on. As they say, I married way up! We have 5 super kids, two great son-in-laws and 2 awesome grandkids. And, Lord willing, our family will be expanding more soon. One of our birthday presents this year was the announcement that Beth is expecting again. This will make grandchild number 3. How blessed! And there are more blessings in store - not because we earned them, or deserve them, but because we have a great heavenly Father who loves to bless His children. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name!!!!

A Great Time

Well, we're back from vacation and we the most wonderful time with Becky and John. Our plans to go camping were rained out so we went to John's parents home in Pittsburgh. Steve and Phyliss are wonderful Christians who love the Lord and are a wonderful testimony in their community and great encouragement to Becky and John. We had a great time in Pittsburgh, going to the Carnegie Science Museum and then to a fantastic July 4th celebration on the shores of Pittsburgh's 3 rivers - the Monongahela, the ???????, and the Ohio. Sorry I couldn't remember the 2nd river. Then it was off to Becky and John's place in Indiana, PA. They have a spacious apartment and we enjoyed our stay with them very much. The Lord has blessed them with a wonderful church which we were able to visit. On Monday, it was off to Punsatawney, known for its groundhog fame and the culinary school that John attends. The food was delicious and we were especially blessed to have John get to eat with us. Tuesday we headed towards Philadelphia going to the home of Betsy Ross, the National Constitution Center, the Liberty Bell, and Independence Hall where both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were framed. It was awesome to wee the place where God formed the written documents that would govern our nation. The next day we went to Valley Forge where, under the leadership of George Washington, our army became a disciplined unit. It was really quite a place and made me appreciate the sacrifice others had made for us to have the liberties we now enjoy. Gettysburg was even more awesome. I don't know if I can adequately describe the feelings that I had as we drove around the battlefield. These were men of courage and principle, fighting for the liberty of all men. Robert E. Lee, who was the leader of the South in this battle, is a distant relative of ours and to know the testimony and character that he had was brought home even more as we were there. This was a man admired by men from both sides of the battlefield for his courage, wisdom, and love for his God and his country. His loyalty to his state was the reason for him becoming the leader of the confederate army. When we went back to Becky's we watched a movie about Gettysburg which was tremendous. Then it was time to go home. It's hard to say goodbye to one's we love so dearly as Becky and John. but, we know they are in God's hands, doing His will, being a witness where God has led them, and that makes us thankfully proud parents. The drive home was long, but the Lord granted us safety and we arrived home on our birthaversary.

Monday, June 30, 2008


I'm excited - After tomorrow I will be on vacation and we are going to see Becky and John, and his parents too. We are all going camping in Pennsylvania at Ohiopyle State Park. Then we are going to spend a few days at Becky and John's and get to taste some of John's cooking at the culinary school where he attends in Puxsataney. Well, maybe not his cooking, but someone's cooking at the school. Then its off to Philadelphia and Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, and the National Constitution Center which I hear is fabulous. Valley Forge and Gettysburg will be next on the agenda and then another day with our sweet girl and her husband before we have to head home. I'm looking forward to the drive (but not the gas prices), seeing God's beautiful creation in America and then seeing His hand at work in these historic spots. But especially being with Becky and John. Mala hasn't been up there and she is excited too. last week, our other son-in-law, Nathan, was in town for AWACS training. We had a good time with him. Bryce has a blast with his brothers - in - law. God has richly blessed me with a wonderful wife and family!!!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

With All

The Lord has been sharing things with me lately about loving Him. I've got so much to learn. One of the first things the Lord impressed upon me was that loving Him is a response - a response to His love for me. The scripture says that we were haters of God and were it not for the love that He demonstrated to us when He sent His Son to die for us, we would never have come to Him. I John 3:1 says, "Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us, that we should be called the sons of God . . ." Secondly, I demonstrate my love for Him by living a life of obedience to Him and His Word. His Word has been written upon my heart and I am to live by it so that I might not sin against the Lord. But as I was studying this week the two great commandments I was struck with the words "with all". I am to love the Lord with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and with all my strength. As I meditated upon this verse I was reminded of where the Pilgrims first found fresh water in America. They followed some animals through some thicket to a place where a spring of fresh water was springing up 2 to 3 feet high. But when you go there today, there is only the smallest trickle of water from a pipe that has now been put there. What happened? Well, one of our grandparents at school had an understanding of geology and explained it to us this year and it was fascinating. You see, the origin of the pilgrim spring was more than likely from an underground source many miles from where the spring surfaced, most likely on what we would refer to as inland Massachusetts. As people settled throughout the land and would drill for water, they likely tapped into the fresh water source that provided the Pilgrim Spring. When they would tap into the source, it would relieve the pressure that was being used to push the water all the way to the spring and the spring would get gradually smaller and smaller, until finally the spring would almost dry up. You see something entered into the source of the spring which drew its vitality away from Pilgrim Spring. Same way in my life I am sorry to say. How many times do I allow something into my life which hinders the springs of living water to flow through my life? The lusts of hte flesh, the lusts of the eyes, the pride of life, bitterness, unforgiveness, a jealous spirit, a worrisome heart and so many things can affect the flow of God's love, joy and peace in my life and hinder me from loving Him with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. Isn't it amazing how we let the cares of this world draw from our lives the refreshing water of life found in the Lord Jesus. Let us learn together to love Him with all because He loved us with His all!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

What a great day this has been. Bro. Don asked me to preach on Sunday morning and do kind of a tribute to my dad. I was so honored and humbled to do that. It was really a joint effort as my two sisters and one of my nephews all shared through their writings so neat stuff about dad. There were flowers in the church in his honor and all of us kids, grandkids, and great grand kids presented him with a Super Large Print Bible for him to read. Bryce got to give that to him and he loved doing that. Then we went out to eat at Johnny Carino's with everyone and had a great time. One of my former students, Jason Garder, was our server. Back to dad - I used as our base verse, I John 3:1a which says, "Behold, what manner of love the Father has given unto us that we should be called the sons of God." It was great to be able to parallel the love of my earthly father with that of my heavenly Father. Not too many people can do that. I spoke of his faithful love to his wife, his kids, his work, and his church. I spoke of his compassionate love and how he always had a heart for other people. I spoke of his redemptive love and how he always sought to correct us in love and restore us to doing what was right in life. Then I shared of the wisdom of love, how because of his devotion to the Word of God, he was a man of wisdom far beyond his eighth grade education. What a picture of our heavenly Father - He is the Faithful One, there is no one more compassionate than Him, His work of redemption was seen when He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. And it is His wisdom which guides us and directs us into His loving ways. Plus, I got to be either by telephone or in person with all my kids today. I love them so much. I pray that I will be the example to them that my dad has been to me. God is good. No matter who your father is, or what he has done - tell him you love him. I told the church that the greatest challenges I have ever faced have been that of trying to be a good husband and father. And those are also the most fulfilling things I have ever done. I love Mala more than anything, and my kids, words can't describe the love I have for them too. God has blessed me beyond all I could ever ask or think. To Him be the glory!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It seems that in the quests that men involve themselves in there is a quest for truth. There are those today who say that there is no such thing as absolute truth; that truth is situational; that truth is what you believe it to be. Ever te constant question - What is truth? As believers in Christ we know that truth is not a concept, rule, ritual, or imagination from the heart of man. Rather truth is a person, Jesus Christ. In Him we find truth. That which is apart from Him is not truth. He declared in John 14:6 "I am . . . the truth. He is the essence and embodiment of truth. Truth eminates from His character. But why the subject of truth in a blog? Good question! We are to walk in truth. John said in one of his letters "I have no greater joy than to hear of my children walking in truth". That is a delight to my heart also, not just for my own children of my family, but for those who the Lord has blessed me with the privilege of being a part of their lives and hopefully a spiritual encouragement to. To walk in truth is very unique. Jesus, the manifestation of God upon this earth, was said to be "full of grace and truth". There was a quality, a richness about His life of graciousness, of righteousness that overflowed from His life as He lived and dwelt among us. To walk in truth means to live in the grace of the Lord, knowing who He has made us and the wondrous work of redemption He has wrought in our lives. To walk in truth means to live according to the truth of the Word of God. To let His Word be my very sustenance and provision in my life. To partake of it, rejoice in it, live in it and let it dwell richly in me. To walk in truth means to speak the truth in love. Many who know the truth sometimes have a haughty spirit about them. But those who truly walk in the truth, they walk humbly with the Lord, their speech is seasoned with grace, and the law of kindness is on their lips. I love the truth, I long to live in the truth, I desire for others to walk in the truth also, and I rejoice when I hear of them walking in the truth. May the Lord grant you His peace and an awareness of His presence as you walk in the truth.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

In His Time

One of the things that the Lord keeps teaching me is that He does things according to His plan and His time. Sometimes I like to rush ahead of the Lord and try to do what I think is His will in my way - that doesn't work. Sometimes it seems as though I am lagging behind what the Lord wants - but the truth of the matter is that, through it all, He is not early, nor is He late, He's always on time. For the past 3 years, this July 2nd, I will have had the privilege of being associate pastor of family ministries at Grace Community Baptist Church. It has been a wonderful time of learning from the Lord and seeing Him work in the hearts and lives of people. I have had the privilege of helping plan the services and preaching at times which is the real love of my heart - to preach and teach God's Word faithfully to others. God has blessed and within the past year we have been bulging at the seams on Sunday mornings. I really believe some people may have left because there was no room. But after 5 years of the church's existence, the Lord has provided us with a permanent home of our own. We will be moving to a new location next week, Lord willing, that will be our own to minister to people. The new location will be on 109th and South Sante Fe. Our focus has never been on buildings but now we will have about a 300 seat auditorium with which to declare God's Word. Interestingly enough, the ground breaking for this building was done the same month our church constituted over 5 years ago. It was built for around $900,000 and we purchased it for $600,000. God just blessed in His time. Another former pastor from an extremely large church even offered the people $700,000 cash but was turned down because our deal was already started. May prayer is that this place will be a place where people come to know Christ, where families are built to be strong in the Lord, where the praises of God will be on the lips and hearts of His people and where we will boldly proclaim the truth in love, unashamedly for the Lord Jesus. O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Catching Up

Well its been a long time since I've done this. Life has been so busy. Brooke has graduated high school, Beth, Brianna & Nathan came and helped take of Bryce while we went to Boston, with Lauren keeping him till Beth got there. Becky and John came in for a week during graduation. We had family pictures made (what a blessing). All that and more - it was a wonderful but very busy time. Shelley, my neice, her husband Kevin, and their 9 month old son, Weston, came in yesterday to mom and dad's, but were gone by noon today. Got to see them a little and all is well. Kevin, a pharmacist, looked at mom and dad's medications and encouraged them to take them when they are supposed to. We're looking for Brooke a car, but with little success at the moment. She is going to pay cash - praise the Lord! She also needs a job. There is also a young man, Kirk Wise, from Georgia that she is spending time with as he visits OK this week with his folks. Seems like a nice young man - pre-med student - used to go to CHA a long time ago. He took Brooke out the other night on a double with Britt and Lauren and they had a good time - ending up at our house to watch a movie. Today is Lauren's birthday - she is a sweetie! That's all for now - God bless one and all!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

To Boston and Back

What an exciting trip it was to go to Boston with Brooke and Mala from May 5 - 13. Mala took a seperate flight to Boston, but once there we traveled to Plymouth and began 8 days of Brooke's senior trip. This trip is so good because the seniors finally get to go to many of the places they ahve studied about and have heard of the hand of God moving in the history of America.

Our whale watch was the best I had ever been on. Whales in groups of 2 and 3 were everywhere. I know I counted over 12 different whales during the trip. And it was calm and relatively warm for a whale watch.

One thing that really struck me this year was a comment made by one of the ladies at the Mayflower II this year when she was asked about what amazed her about the pilgrims. I have known this lady for a long time, but did not know if she knew the Lord. Her answer was that what amazed her about the pilgrims is that none of them went back to England whengiven the opportunity after that first horrible winter. She said they felt called of God to be in America and therefore not even the extreme hardships they faced would cause them to want to return home. Wow! She's exactly right. The strength God gives us when we know we are in His will enables us to withstand in the most severe of trials.

Boston was awesome. The pastor of Park Street Church spoke on the Christian's invovlement in the world and even politics. He said that as Christians we were to speak bodly about anything that would exalt the truth in our society. I love that church. The Pops were amazing as was David Copperfield. his show was really not anything like what I thought it might be and thankfully so.

But the trip is not about the pilgrims, the patriots, or the performances. It is about seeing the faithfulness of God in the life of our country, and our lives individually. It is about recognizing that because God gave us liberty in this land, we have the responsibility whatever we do and wherever we are to share the gospel with those God brings into our path.

The only bad thing about the trip was that we had to leave Bryce at home. Lauren and Beth took care of him, but I really miss him when I am gone. I see him growing up and know that the Lord has something special for him. Though so many things seem a struggle for him, I know the Lord will use him and his tender heart in a great way.

Once home it was great. Bryce, Britt, Lauren, Beth, Brianna, and baby Nate met us at the airport. It was so good to see all of them. Brianna and Nate had grown so much since last I saw them. Brianna has bright eyes and a smile that will bring joy to your heart. Baby Nate is a growing and going young man. Nothing is safe if it is within his reach. But he seems so happy and contented. Beth and Nathan are doing a great job with their kids.

I am so looking forward to next week. Becky and John will be in from PA, Brooke will graduate from high school (hallelujah) and Brianna will turn 3. It will be a great week filled with God's blessings and faithfulness. I am blessed!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The National Day of Prayer

Tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer. When I think of prayer two things come to mind. First, the Bible says that "the prayer of the upright is His delight." Pretty awesome to think that God delights in the prayer of His children. Then in a society which has turned its back on God, the Lord encourages us that "the effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much." We are engaged in an intense battle for truth in our country today. I am constantly amazed at the onslaught of the rulers of this world's darkness and the effect it is having in our land. No longer do we value life as a gift from God. No longer do we love truth - rather we call that which is good, evil, and that which is evil, good. No longer do we stand for what is right in the sight of God. No longer do we seek to share God's truth with those around us. We as God's people in many instances have settled for mediocrity and the path of least resistance. We have become enamoured with our prosperity and feel as though we have need of nothing. But the Lord says that if His people, which are called by His name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways, then, we will hear from heaven, receive God's forgiveness and healing for our land. America is the greatest expression of Christian liberty still upon the earth today. Will you join me in praying that the Lord would arouse us from our apathy and burn within our hearts the flames of His presence and power once again? In order for our nation to be restored, we, as God's people, must become and be what the Lord desires us to be in our lives, in our homes, in our jobs, in our churches and in our nation today! Let us not take for granted this wonderful land of liberty!

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Joy and Rejoicing of My Heart

The joy and rejoicing of my heart - that's how Jeremiah described partaking of God's Word. We, too, as we daily partake of God's Word find out the joy that His Word brings to us. What comfort! What security! What peace! What wisdom and guidance! God's Word truly is our daily bread that feeds us and sustains us.

I had the privilege yesterday of doing a Walk Thru the New Testament with the dear saints of Southgate Baptist Church in Moore, OK. It was a great time in God's Word. One of my favorite mentors from my youth, Mrs. Jerri Holmes, goes to that church. There she was, sitting at the back, participating as well as any 80 year old woman could, just soaking it all in with a smile on her face. And there was Larry Romines, the husband of my late 2nd cousin, Evelyn "Doll" Romines. Larry has had problems with cancer lately, but he was right there, greeting people and making sure everyone had what they needed. When he saw me, he just hugged me and told me how proud he was of me. Larry is in his 70's. And then my wonderful pastor friend, Doug Brewer. What a blessing it has been over these past 10 years to have this man as one of my closest friends and confidants. His church has a wonderful testimony and spirit of ministering to the people of Moore, Norman, and South OKC. His people were hungry for the Word of God and it was an honor to be with them for the day.

But it all goes back to the Word of God. We have been born again because "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." We are sustained and encouraged by the Word. What a blessing it is to find other believers who love God's Word. Even when I came home after the seminar, I had a wonderful time talking to Britt and Lauren about what God's Word says. That's a real blessing to me to talk to my son and his girl about the Lord. And also to be able to do that with all my family. God has blessed me beyond measure and I praise Him.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Growth is an interesting concept. Kids grow up, adults grow out (unfortunately), people grow old, relationships grow strong or weak. Sometimes growth in our lives seems to take place fast, and other times growth is almost unnoticeable. But growth is constantly happening. People grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually at different rates. That is a hard lesson to learn. Tolerance is learning to understand that people are at different levels of maturity in life and learning to guide truth into their lives in such a way as to help them in their growth process. Growth is a wonderful thing. That was why, when I was driving down the street and almost at our house, that my heart rejoiced to see Bryce riding his bicycle without training wheels for the first time. Bryce will be 10 years old on May 8, and the process of learning and growth has not always been easy for him. I worked with him last night on riding his bike without help but he just didn't seem to grasp it. But Mala said when he got home from school today, he wanted to try and go ride his bike again. This time, with only the help from the Lord, my determined young son got it. We had a hard time getting him off his bike to go to church. You should have seen the joy on his face and the sparkle in his eye. He has had his best year at school this year and we are seeing him grow physically, academically, and spiritually. God has blessed him with a tender heart for people. May we all continue to grow in wisdom, and in stature, and in favor with God and man as we gett to know the Lord Jesus Christ in a more intimate way.

Please pray for my mom and dad. Dad was diagnosed with early stages of dementia a couple of weeks ago, and adjustments do not always come easy. Mom had bronchitis last week and apparently had an allergic reaction to the medicine. They took her off the medicine today, put her on steriods to clear up the allergic reaction and will be doing a complete blood work up on her tomorrow. Pray that the doctors will find out what they need to know with mom. It is not easy for my parents to think of giving up some of their independence to let me and my sisters care for them. We need wisdom in how to deal with them. They are such a precious couple who will celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary this Sunday

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

God is Good

Well, here I am doing what some of my kids have wanted me to do for a long time apparently. I don't know really where to start but I do know that the Lord has been so very good to me. I have been married to my wife, Mala, for almost 35 years. She is my joy and inspiration. I don't know how I could live this life without her. The Bible says that whoever finds a wife finds a good thing. I have 5 great kids. Becky is the oldest, married to John Henderson, and they are following the Lord in Pennsylvania where John is studying to be a world class chef. He is working hard and we are so proud of him. Becky works in a bank in Indiana, PA, which is the home of Jimmy Stewart.They have seen the Lord work in their lives on the journey they are taking many times, and have a trust in the Lord that makes them strong. Beth, daughter number two, lives in Alaska with her husband, AWACS Major Nathan Hendricks, and our two wonderful grandkids, Breanna (almost 3) and Nathan (1). I don't to see them much but I sure love my grandchildren and Beth and Nathan. God is using them in Alaska as they are teaching a marriage enrichment course at their church called - Radically Married. Our oldest son, Britt, is a junior at the University of Oklahoma and his heart is for the mission field. He is also a bold witness and has a heart for the things of God. The Lord has brought a young lady into his life named Lauren Werner. She works for a ministry called, Reaching Souls International, and also has a real heart for missions. How the Lord brought her into our family is truly a evidence of God's goodness as she is the daughter of one of my first students at CHA where I have taught for the past 29 years, Greg Werner. Brooke, who helped me set up the blog, actually she did it all, is a Senior at Christian Heritage Academy where I teach. God has gifted her with the ability to play the piano. She tried out for the OU School of Music in Piano Performance last Friday and we are prayerfully waiting to see if the Lord would have her go there at this time. She has also been a cheerleader for the past 6 years and we have seen the Lord provide for her and use her in many ways. Our youngest son, Bryce, is truly a joyful energetic young man. He is in the 3rd grade and may have the tenderest heart of the whole family. God's plans for him are good and we are waiting to see the young man he will grow up to be in the Lord. You see I told you God is good. Who could ask for more than a great family with a wonderful wife and children who love the Lord and are serving Him, stepping out in faith wherever He leads. Sometimes my heart is very sad because we are apart, but then I think, God is just answering the prayers that we have had for our children - not for wealth, or fame, or temporal things that don't last, but for a godly generation to bear His name. I could go on and on and tell you about my parents and extended family. But enough for now - Remeber - God is good!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

New Blogger!!!

This is Brooke. I'm making a blog for dad b/c he wants one. Who knows what he'll put on here!??