Monday, February 16, 2009

My Girls

I know it's past Valentine's Day, but I happen to be a little late in doing this. God has blessed me with some wonderful women in my life. I am blessed to tell you about them. I have one mother, one mother-in-law, 2 granddaughters, 3 daughters, one almost daughter-in-law and one beautiful wife. Let me tell you how they are a blessing to me. Mom is one of the most loving, giving people I know. She has cared for me all of my life. Now it seems to be time for me to help take care of her. She and dad have had some tough times health-wise recently, but she still makes me cherry pie which happens to be my favorite. My mother-in-law, Betty, had a stroke several years ago and has been in a nursing home since that time. I love her because she is such an understanding person. Even though she has a hard time hearing and getting around, she is always interested in what is going on in other's lives. I have two grnad daughters who live in Alaska. Brianna is a picture of joy and enthusiasm. She helps her mommy and loves to learn things about Jesus and loves to sing. She is someone I would love to just pick up and hold and hug on for a long time, but distance keeps that from happening too often. It won't be too long though before grandpa will get to do that. My other grand daughter is Kinley Brooke. She is the newest young lady in my life and I can't wait to see her, hold her and hugh her. Though just one week old on Wednesday she has a special place in my heart. My three daughters are really something special. Becky is the oldest and lives in Pennsylvania with her husband John. My personal biased opinion is that there is no better children's choir worker in America than my Becky. She is so good with kids and loves to teach them to sing about the Lord. I am so proud of her and John and how they are following after the Lord and His will for their lives. That will lead them to Colorado soon and I am glad that they will be a little closer to home where we can see them more often. Beth is my daughter in Alaska. She has given us 3 beautiful grandchildren. Beth is a compassionate one. God has given her the ability and opportunity to work with young families and be an encouragement to them along with her husband Nathan. I know they are a strength to many in Alaska, but I am glad that they will be moving to Georgia soon so I can be with them more. My youngest daughter is Brooke. She is a beautiful young lady whom her father loves very much. She is in college, works at Cheesecake Factory, plays the organ and accompanies the choir at church, and is interested in photography. Her life is busy and it seems like I don't see her very much, at least not as much as I want to. I am praying that she will be the young lady the Lord desires her to be. Lauren Werner will be Lauren Clay soon. She is the fiance of Britt and they will be getting married in May. She is a delight, a young woman who loves the Lord, and my son, and they have a heart for the mission field. And then there is the most important person in m life, Mala. We celebrated the 38th anniversary of our first date last Thursday night (Feb. 12) by having the seniors over to study for their Bible Proficiency Exam. The next night when we went out for our Valentine's dinner, she wanted to go to the CHA game. I don't know of anyone more unselfish and kind as Mala. She is supportive and we are fellow laboreres together in God's field. God has given her unique discernment and the ability to communicate with people on a one-on-one basis that is really tremendous. Her outer beauty is only surpassed by her inner beauty. I love her with all my heart and am so thankful to the Lord that I get to spend a lifetime with her. And because probably about the only ones to read this is my girls, let me tell you that you all are God's special blessing to me and I love each of you with every fiber of my being. You have your son's, son-in-law's, granddpa's, daddy's and husband's heart.