Saturday, December 26, 2009

I Salute You

Sunay, December 27, my son-in-law, Major Nathan Hendricks will deploy to the Middle East to serve his country. He along with many other fine American soldiers will be putting their lives in harm's way for the cause of liberty. Nathan will be leaving behind his wife Beth and three children Brianna, Nathan and Kinley. We will have the privilege of helping care for them while he is gone.

I love my country - to serve it during my younger days was not looked upon with honor and for that I am sorry. But serving your country is one of the noblest things that anyone can do. These young men and ladies who do this are truly unique and special individuals. I have been proud that my father served during WWII, that both of my sons-in law have served or are now serving, and that millions have served and given the ultimate sacrifice during the years of our nation's existence.

I know that my son-in-law is in the Lord's hands and that Nathan dearly loves and serves his Lord, his family, and his country. That is why I am so proud of him. I salute you Nathan - I know the Lord is going before you on this mission and that His plan is perfect. Love - Dad Clay

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wisdom in the Midst of a Wild Week

I don't know if I've ever been through a week like this in all my life. It has truly been eventful, and, now that it is Saturday and I should probably be catching up on a lot of things, this is definitely the most important. Bult let me explain - All seemed to be going well this week, just the many blessings I am so grateful for when on Tuesday morning we got a call from Dad saying he had found mom on the floor and he couldn't get her up. That was quite alarming, not knowing her condition, but after talking to him I discovered she that she had fallen and couldn't get up off the floor. I went over there to survery the situation and see how I could help. After a call to the doctor, we took her to the hospital where they did x-rays on her hip thinking that she had probably broken it. That was not the case, so they sent her home with pain killers saying she would be very sore. When we got her home, Dad and I could baely get her inside the house. To make a long story short, we ended up taking her to another hopsital where they did more x-rays and found that she had broken her ankle. They did not do surgery but put a splint on her and sent her home the next day. Taking care of her and dad has really thrown my schedule off. Then there were other trials concerning Bryce that came into play and we are working through those. However, on Thursday, I forgot to blog about one of my greatest blessings - Ashley Brooke Clay. You see, it was her birthday on Thursday, and though I called her in Georgia where she was visiting Beth, I forgot to blog about her and for that I am very sorry. But now that I have some time, let me tell you about my favorite ABC.

Brooke is a delight. She is one who is very friendly to anyone and very conscietious of others needs and how they feel. She has a heart of compassion and loves kids. Brooke is very talented. Recently, in her college photography class, one of her photos was selected to go on an art tour throughout the OKC libraries and other places in the metro area for the next year. She has an eye for those kind of things which I am sure came from her mother and not her father. She is also organist at our church and helps accompany the choir at times. I am very proud of her and the diligence she displays in preparing to play for the choir. But there is one memory that I have of Brooke that I will never forget, but always cherish. I remember as a little girl when we were facing some tough times in our family. We lived in ahouse that was really pretty bad. We had to deal with a tick invasion one time and a termite invasion another. But one night, as we were getting ready for bed, she hugged me, told me she loved me and that everything was going to be all right. As she hugged me she patted me on the back in such a gentle way I felt it was the hand of God upon me giving me His peace. Since that time Brooke has grown and I don't get as many hugs as I used to. But when she does, and she pats me on the back, I still get that same feeling of the hand of God giving me comfort. Brooke's verse is out of Proverbs 18 which says "the fountain of wisdom is as a bubbling brook." Brooke comes home from Georgia today, where she has spent a few weeks with her sister. I missed her tremendously though I am glad she had a good time and would probably have stayed longer if it wasn't for a scheduled plane flight. I will be so glad to see her. She was born on father's day - God's gift to me (and Mala.) I am so blessed. I love you Brooke - Dad

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Plans I Have For You

"For I know the plans that I have for you, plans for good and not for evil, to bring you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

God gave this verse to Mala and I over 11 years ago when we discovered shortly after Thanksgiving that Mala was pregnant with our son Bryce. Bryce was born on May 8 1998. He was born while I was to be in Boston on a Senior Trip with students for Christian Heritage Academy. I came home early when I learned Bryce was being born.

Bryce is eleven years old on Friday and I just wanted to take the time to say Happy Birthday to him. Bryce has been homeschooled this year for the first time and he has done so well. This has been his best year in school. His mother has done a wonderful job and sometimes I help too. Bryce's days consist of reading a lot, doing math homework, spelling, writing, and memorizing scripture. He is learning to hide God's Word in his heart. He likes riding his bike, playing with fake swords and just being an energetic young man. He likes to play baseball, basketball and football, really just about any sport. He is a lot of fun to be around. He has a very tender heart towards the things of God and people.

I do not know what God has planned for Bryce. He is a very unique and interesting young man. But I do know that God has something special planned for him. My prayer for Bryce is that he will always follow the Lord, always have a tender heart and that he might develop into that young man that God wants him to be. I love you son -Dad

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Molded By The Master Potter

"A wise son makes a glad father" - words of wisdom from Solomon yet a truth from the Word of God. Today is my eldest son's birthday and I am truly a glad father because of him. Britt is an overcomer. Through his life he has faced many trials, yet, he has come through them with grace, kindness, strength and honor. There have been times when he has faced difficult situations, yet, he has endured with wisdom from the Lord. This next month 2 major things will occur in Britt's life - he will graduate from OU with a degree in sociology, and he will marry the love of his life, Lauren Werner. God is so good. He has given Britt and Lauren a heart for ministering to people and especially for missions. Little did we know when he was so young that our son would one day be used of God to carry the gospel to those in foreign lands. If the Lord wills, in 2 or 3 years this will come to pass. Britt is an unusual young man. Godly, loving, caring, faithful, strong in character and honor, morally pure with a passion for the things of God and sharing the gospel wherever he goes. His name is Britton James Clay. Britton means "strength" and was named after my great uncle Britt Clay. James is after his grandfather, a loving, faithful man of God, and James the half-brother of Jesus who was known as "old camel knees" because he was such a man of prayer that he wore callouses on his knees from kneeling in prayer so much. Britt is all those things and becoming all those things, and his father and mother, who love him very much, are so thankful to God for the privilege of being his parents. Happy birthday son! Love - Dad

Saturday, April 11, 2009

He Is Risen Indeed!

Of all the people on earth believers in Christ are truly the most blessed because our Savior lives. Death and hell could not hold Him in the grave. His victory over sin was completed as He left the tomb on the third day after His crucifixion. Jesus' words "Because I live, ye shall live also" ring in are hearts and are a beacon of hope to the hopeless! May we celebrate His great love for us as we glory in His resurrection. May your life be filled with the confidence that our blessed Hope, the Lord Jesus, gives us day by day. Had he not risen from the dead, we truly would be the most miserable of all men. But because He lives, we can face tomorrow with hope in our hearts, looking for that wonderful day when He will return again for His children. Praise the Lord! Have a blessed Easter!

PS - If you have not visited my new blog, I invite you to do so at

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pray For My New Blog

Hi folks - Please pray for me as I start a new blog entitled "Wake-Up America". It will be about our American Christian History and Government and address issues which are pertinent to today in the process. You may visit my new blog at Thanks!

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Girls

I know it's past Valentine's Day, but I happen to be a little late in doing this. God has blessed me with some wonderful women in my life. I am blessed to tell you about them. I have one mother, one mother-in-law, 2 granddaughters, 3 daughters, one almost daughter-in-law and one beautiful wife. Let me tell you how they are a blessing to me. Mom is one of the most loving, giving people I know. She has cared for me all of my life. Now it seems to be time for me to help take care of her. She and dad have had some tough times health-wise recently, but she still makes me cherry pie which happens to be my favorite. My mother-in-law, Betty, had a stroke several years ago and has been in a nursing home since that time. I love her because she is such an understanding person. Even though she has a hard time hearing and getting around, she is always interested in what is going on in other's lives. I have two grnad daughters who live in Alaska. Brianna is a picture of joy and enthusiasm. She helps her mommy and loves to learn things about Jesus and loves to sing. She is someone I would love to just pick up and hold and hug on for a long time, but distance keeps that from happening too often. It won't be too long though before grandpa will get to do that. My other grand daughter is Kinley Brooke. She is the newest young lady in my life and I can't wait to see her, hold her and hugh her. Though just one week old on Wednesday she has a special place in my heart. My three daughters are really something special. Becky is the oldest and lives in Pennsylvania with her husband John. My personal biased opinion is that there is no better children's choir worker in America than my Becky. She is so good with kids and loves to teach them to sing about the Lord. I am so proud of her and John and how they are following after the Lord and His will for their lives. That will lead them to Colorado soon and I am glad that they will be a little closer to home where we can see them more often. Beth is my daughter in Alaska. She has given us 3 beautiful grandchildren. Beth is a compassionate one. God has given her the ability and opportunity to work with young families and be an encouragement to them along with her husband Nathan. I know they are a strength to many in Alaska, but I am glad that they will be moving to Georgia soon so I can be with them more. My youngest daughter is Brooke. She is a beautiful young lady whom her father loves very much. She is in college, works at Cheesecake Factory, plays the organ and accompanies the choir at church, and is interested in photography. Her life is busy and it seems like I don't see her very much, at least not as much as I want to. I am praying that she will be the young lady the Lord desires her to be. Lauren Werner will be Lauren Clay soon. She is the fiance of Britt and they will be getting married in May. She is a delight, a young woman who loves the Lord, and my son, and they have a heart for the mission field. And then there is the most important person in m life, Mala. We celebrated the 38th anniversary of our first date last Thursday night (Feb. 12) by having the seniors over to study for their Bible Proficiency Exam. The next night when we went out for our Valentine's dinner, she wanted to go to the CHA game. I don't know of anyone more unselfish and kind as Mala. She is supportive and we are fellow laboreres together in God's field. God has given her unique discernment and the ability to communicate with people on a one-on-one basis that is really tremendous. Her outer beauty is only surpassed by her inner beauty. I love her with all my heart and am so thankful to the Lord that I get to spend a lifetime with her. And because probably about the only ones to read this is my girls, let me tell you that you all are God's special blessing to me and I love each of you with every fiber of my being. You have your son's, son-in-law's, granddpa's, daddy's and husband's heart.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Joy Project

God's joy is something that has been on my heart for several months now. It is enduring, eternal, not dependent upon my circumstance, unspeakable, unselfish, passionate, and contented. As I thought how the Lord wanted to implement in my life what He was teaching me, something very simple came to mind. I'm sure you know it, I invite you to implement with me.

J is for Jesus. If I am to have His joy in my life, then I must put Him first in every area of my life. I will desire to be in His Word, to pray, to share His love and the gospel with others, will be faithful in meeting with His people, and be faithful in giving my money, time, and myself to His cause upon this earth. I will seek to do these things because they please Him.

O is for others. Considering others more important than myself is the pathway to God's joy. Doing something for someone else without expecting from them any reward or recognition brings real joy. Laughing with others, crying with others, loving others - that brings real joy. I am conciously trying to do something for others in an unexpected manner to bless them.

Y is for you. As I take care of myself there is great joy. There is much joy in being able to work hard and be tired at the end of a long day because you have done so. There is joy in eating right, taking care of myself and yes, even exercising. Sometimes I find the spirit is truly willing, but the flesh is weak.

Would you join me in this endeavor? My prayer for you is that God might fill you with His joy as you love and serve Him!