Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thy Will Be Done

"Lord, I pray Thee, not my will, but Thy will be done." These words of Jesus have been echoing in my heart this past week. How many times I think I know better than the Lord. How many struggles I face to bring me to the point of surrender to His will. God's ways are always best! His ways are not my ways, His thoughts not my thoughts. My wisdom is foolishness with Him. so why do I question Him? Truth be told, I would rather be in control (I think), than to rest in the awareness that He is in control, that He knows all things, and does all things first for His glory and second for my good because I am His child. May I and all who read this learn to rest in the assurance that our Heavenly Father truly knows best!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Filled with God's Spirit

John the Baptist was quite an interesting individual in the scripture. He lived in the desert, ate locust and honey, didn't wear designer clothing or ride a fancy donkey. When he preached he didn't mince words, preaching repentance and the coming of our Messiah, the Lord Jesus. He was used by God to baptize our blessed Savior, declaring, "Behold, the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world." When Christ came on the scene, he did not feel challenged, but plainly said, "He must increase, I must decrease." Such a humble man, yet with the boldness of a lion as he decried the adultery of Herod and his immoral lifestyle. Imprisoned, undoubtedly, beaten and abused, and finally beheaded, because of the lustful passions of a man who was being seduced by the seductive dances of his neice at a banquet, such was the lot in life for the one labeled the forerunner of the Lord. But what was John's secret? What made him live such a life of courage and adventure with the Lord. No doubt, he knew Jesus when he was growing up. No doubt he realized his call from God to be the one to prepare the way of the Lord. It is said of John that when his mother Elisabeth went to see the mother of Jesus, that John lept in her bosom and he was filled with the Spirit. I wander what a godly influence his parents were upon Him? I am sure it was great. I am sure they told him of the promises of God concerning the Messiah and trained him in such a way, that he was ready to fulfill God's plan for his life. So what's the point? Our daughter, Elisabeth, reminds me greatly of the Elisabeth of scripture. I have always prayed for her ( and her mother has also) that she would a woman of godly influence, filled with the Spirit of God, making a difference in the life of family and friends. Our Beth is such a young lady. God has tempered her throughout the years to be a young lady who loves the Lord, who serves Him faithfully every day, who helps her husband in training their children in the things of God. I have seen her be faithful to the Lord as she struggled through difficult times in her life, seeking the will of the Lord, not always knowing the thing to do, but always having as her desire to please her Lord. I have seen her wait patiently for the Lord for the man that God would have her spend her life with, and how God has blessed her and us with Nathan. I have seen her demonstrate that loyalty and love for her husband as they left Oklahoma to move to Alaska as Nathan pursues his military career. I have seen her as she gave birth to two wonderful, fantastic, amazing, awesome, dynamic, enthusiastic, lovable children (I have more adjectives to say about these great kids, but can you tell I love my grandkids yet?) , Breanna and Nate and can't wait until our newest grandchild is born in February. How she loves those kids and pours her life into them and her husband. I have seen her develop a love and a ministry with her husband among military couples, and young couples in their church in Alaska as they were taught through the ministry of the Pete and Debbie Livingston and the Radically Married program. And why? Because I believe she is a young lady who is learning to walk in the fullness of God's Spirit. She is a challenge and encouragement to me in my walk with the Lord and I love her dearly as I do Becky, Briit, Brooke and Bryce. Happy birthday sweetheart - Always remember Dad loves you!