Thursday, April 16, 2009

Molded By The Master Potter

"A wise son makes a glad father" - words of wisdom from Solomon yet a truth from the Word of God. Today is my eldest son's birthday and I am truly a glad father because of him. Britt is an overcomer. Through his life he has faced many trials, yet, he has come through them with grace, kindness, strength and honor. There have been times when he has faced difficult situations, yet, he has endured with wisdom from the Lord. This next month 2 major things will occur in Britt's life - he will graduate from OU with a degree in sociology, and he will marry the love of his life, Lauren Werner. God is so good. He has given Britt and Lauren a heart for ministering to people and especially for missions. Little did we know when he was so young that our son would one day be used of God to carry the gospel to those in foreign lands. If the Lord wills, in 2 or 3 years this will come to pass. Britt is an unusual young man. Godly, loving, caring, faithful, strong in character and honor, morally pure with a passion for the things of God and sharing the gospel wherever he goes. His name is Britton James Clay. Britton means "strength" and was named after my great uncle Britt Clay. James is after his grandfather, a loving, faithful man of God, and James the half-brother of Jesus who was known as "old camel knees" because he was such a man of prayer that he wore callouses on his knees from kneeling in prayer so much. Britt is all those things and becoming all those things, and his father and mother, who love him very much, are so thankful to God for the privilege of being his parents. Happy birthday son! Love - Dad

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