Saturday, December 26, 2009

I Salute You

Sunay, December 27, my son-in-law, Major Nathan Hendricks will deploy to the Middle East to serve his country. He along with many other fine American soldiers will be putting their lives in harm's way for the cause of liberty. Nathan will be leaving behind his wife Beth and three children Brianna, Nathan and Kinley. We will have the privilege of helping care for them while he is gone.

I love my country - to serve it during my younger days was not looked upon with honor and for that I am sorry. But serving your country is one of the noblest things that anyone can do. These young men and ladies who do this are truly unique and special individuals. I have been proud that my father served during WWII, that both of my sons-in law have served or are now serving, and that millions have served and given the ultimate sacrifice during the years of our nation's existence.

I know that my son-in-law is in the Lord's hands and that Nathan dearly loves and serves his Lord, his family, and his country. That is why I am so proud of him. I salute you Nathan - I know the Lord is going before you on this mission and that His plan is perfect. Love - Dad Clay


Beth said...

Thanks Daddy...I will make sure Nathan sees this. I forgot to tell him you updated before he left, with all that was going on and everything.

We love you, and can't wait to get there!!!

Beth said...

Thank you so much for your prayers and comforting words of truth. I do not desire to leave my family at home without me for an extended period of time, but knowing that God is taking care of them through you and many others at our church, let's face it, who can protect like Jehovah Jireh? It is a comfort to be where God wants me to be. I appreciate you!
